Saturday, November 19, 2011

How H²0 works in our body? Let's flush the unwanted waste! :)

It is a fact that man consists of 50% - 70% water. Therefore, when we drink regularly, it ensures adequate maintenance of water content of the body. It is undeniable that water is important for the proper transport of nutrients to all cells and tissues of the body. Simply to understand, if we take a bath daily to clean our body externally, the more we need to clean our body internally. The cheapest and only way to do this is to drink plenty of water. There is no single cell of the body that will not be washed and cleansed by water.

The process of eliminating the toxic and noxious substances prevent frequent headaches which are often times due to such substances. The toxic substances that have been introduced into the body or formed as by products of metabolism (some of which are the free radicals). When we do not drink, our body system become weak. Plus with the accumulations of toxic substances, it  will undermine the body and will affect all system.

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